10 REAL Reasons Why Relationships Fail

When two people get into a relationship, it takes a lot of effort from both the persons involved to make it work. Sometimes, in the initial phase of the relationship, people give in their more than hundred percent. However, as the time passes by people start taking the relationship either too lightly or they take it for granted. 

While it is important to give time to your relationship, it is also important to give affection, respect and trust to each other. There are many reasons why a relationship can fail and it is important for both the partners to make things work. However, there are times when you can feel that relationship really not going anywhere. You will come to know that your relation is falling apart by some the signs that you will notice in your relation. Here are the reasons why a relationship fails :

Criticizing Your Partner

It is normal if you sometimes find yourself criticizing your partner, however, if you are in constant habit of criticizing your partner especially in front of your friends, then it means your relationship in your verge of getting over. Constant complaining is a clear indication that you are not happy with your partner and there respect left in the relationship.

Not Trusting Your Partner

Trust is one the most important thing required in any relationship to work. It is impossible for two people to be close without trusting each other. Trust involves knowing your partner will be there for you in your good and bad times and will not cheat on you. It gives a sense of security to the two individuals in the relationship and if there is no trust in the relation then the relationship does not last for long.

Cheating On Your Partner

Another reason why relationships fail is because either one of the partner starts cheating on their partner. Keeping in touch with your ex or getting involved or attracted to someone new can destroy your existing relation. If you find yourself seeking interest in other person or if you are constantly comparing your partner to your ex or comparing to how it would be with someone else, it’s better to end the relation.

Not Being Communicative To Your Partner

Just like trust, effective communication is another key to successful relationship. If you are unable to communicate well with partner then it means your relation is in trouble. If you are unable to talk to your partner freely and keep things to yourself because you fear it will lead to arguments then it’s an indication that you need to talk to your partner and end the relation.

Flirting With Other Guys /Girls

If you see partner flirting with other guys/girls then chances are that she or he has lost interest in you. This should be a red flag for you and watch out for the way your partner behaves when they with other people and if you find them flirting then its better to leave them alone.

Unavailable For Each Other

Do you find your partner always busy in talking or texting to someone else all the time and not giving enough time to you? If the answer is yes, then it is quite clear that your partner has interest somewhere else. Not being available for each other is another indicator that your relation is not going anywhere.

Partners Not Ready For Commitment

When two people are in a relation from quite some time, there is obviously an expectation that the individuals will be ready for commitment. But if either of the partners is not ready for a commitment like engagement or marriage then it means they are not sure about their relation and they don’t have any plans for future. In this situation it’s better to end relation as it can lead to complications.

Living in Past

If either of the partners is living in past relation or not coming out of the past relation, it means the person is not yet ready to be in a new relationship. This can lead to misunderstandings and comparisons and complicated relationship. It is better to end a relation in such situation.

No personal Life

Do have a personal life, do you hang out with your friends and do you have hobbies if no then it means you are depending too much on your partner. This is ideally not a good sign as this clearly means that your partner can see your dependency on them and they may not like this kind of relation as each one need their personal space too. Hence either you work on giving space to your partner or you give the relationship.

Being Unhappy With Each Other

Do you find that when you and your partner are together it’s more about tears, explanation and unhappy conversations or you spend smooth evenings with each other? If you are find that most of the time you are unhappy when you are with your partner then it’s time put in some thought into to and bid goodbye to each other.


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  1. Thank you for this article. My relationship has allong of these signs that my partner exhibits.


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