5 Benefits of Saying No to Yourself

Setting healthy boundaries is critical to good health. Simply put, boundaries allows us to better manage our responsibilities. It is a way of keeping things in order and giving us power to live a balanced life. Most of us have heard of the need to set good boundaries with others but what about saying "no" to ourselves? Should we set healthy boundaries with ourselves? The answer to that is YES and there are good reasons for this. Here are 5 main reasons why.

Develops Self-Discipline

Let's face it, we like it when we get our way. We want what we want, and in today's culture, it is easy to get pretty much whatever we want when we want it. Because of this, it takes even more effort to put aside our desire in the moment and wait for something better down the road. Sometimes, we are able to hold out, but more often, we give in. Yet, every time we exercise the strength to say "no," we become that much stronger and that's when we tap into our own powerful energy.

Improves Coping Skills

The world is harsh, devastating things happen, and people are in pain. Every time we exercise the discipline to deny ourselves, especially when things are going well, we strengthen our ability to face the times when things become overwhelming. By developing that inner voice to say "no," we have power over our impulsive tendencies, and this leads to peace, an open heart, and a more positive outlook.

Confidence Increases

For anyone who has children, we remember all too well the times when they faced a new challenge. Whenever they mastered a new skill, we would inevitably hear the proud words, "look at me, mom," or "dad, did you see what I did?" They felt accomplished, after all, they worked hard and triumphed! Though we are no longer children, we still have that same innate desire to feel a sense of accomplishment. Work hard and then acknowledge that hard work. Your confidence will soar.

Influences Others

Think of the people we admire. Almost all names mentioned will be people who have developed self-discipline. They work hard and face enormous setbacks with grace and strength, and ultimately triumph. We look up to them. Why? Because the reality is, it is not easy to face some of the most paralyzing battles in life and rise above our own fears and self-defeating thinking. When someone else succeeds, we are naturally drawn to that. Some of us will be happy for them, while some of us may even hate them for their accomplishments, but either way, they influence us. Deep down, whether we admit it or not, we admire them.

Increased Happiness

It might sound laughable but believe it or not, saying "no" to yourself is actually a way to happiness. You see, when we say "no" to one thing, we are saying "yes" to something else. Everyday, we have things fighting for our attention. The most important thing here is to recognize what those things are and make sure they are lining up with your ultimate goals in life. For instance, when we say "no" to eating the things that are not good for us, we are saying "yes" to better health. We look better and we feel better. Another example is in relationships. With the increase in social media, we are spending a large amount of time alone with our computers. Maybe it's time to say "no" to the amount of time using technology and "yes" to more family time. Another example is being drawn to toxic relationships. You know the ones. They leave you feeling drained and empty. Saying "no" to unhealthy relationships means saying "yes" to healthy ones.
As you can see, there are tremendous benefits. When we give in to the many things that steal us away from the bigger picture, we live chaotic lives. Through the simple act of denying oneself, it means we are freed up to reflect on and listen to that deeper wisdom inside each of us. We are spiritual beings and as such, we must be willing to protect that sacred space that we all have, limiting anything that will influence us negatively. It is in that space that we grow and blossom into the amazingly gifted and talented people we are meant to be. It is the space where dreams are born but only if we listen.

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