6 Signs That You Need Marriage Counseling Right Now

To all wonderful clients, fans and lovers of LOLTVUSA, i wish you the best of every moment in 2015, i have chosen to address couple of marriage problems in my first post for the year and you must forgive my morbid analogy, but marital problems are like cancer. The earlier you detect it and treat it, the more chances you have to beat it and survive.
Marriage problems are the same. If you address your problems early on and solve them on time, you dramatically increase the survival chances of your relationship. If you put it off and wait for the problems disappear on their own, don’t be surprised to be heading straight to divorce.
To be aware to your relationship troubles is not enough. It’s like knowing that you have cancer and not do anything about it. And you can’t do it alone; you need outside help – Professional help... You need LOLTV.

This is a list of the most dangerous marital problems; those that left unsolved will most likely end your marriage. If you have one or more of these problems, it’s time to seek some kind of marriage counseling, or couples therapy – Right now.

1.   Lack of Communication and Support

Two recent studies, published in the American Journal of Family Psychology, found that couples who went on to divorce were more likely to be poorer communicators, and tended to display more negative emotions and support mechanisms than people who stayed married.
For example, the couples who went on to divorce were more likely to use blame and invalidation in their communication efforts. They were more likely to discourage a spouse from expressing his or her feelings, and to display “inappropriate pessimism.” Husbands who were more verbally aggressive early on were also more likely to be part of couples who went on to divorce later. (Source is here)

N.B.   No problem in a marriage can be solved without open, honest communication. Lack of personal, intimate exchange in a marriage is a very bad sign.

2.   Marriage Resembles a Battlefield

No matter how in love you used to be and how much fun you used to have, many of us wake up one morning and realize that the marriage has turned into a battlefield (Very often – After having children).
Lines are drawn; you stick to your guns on every issue. You dig in on your side; your husband digs in on the other side. Neither of you will budge.
This pushes all your intimacy away and you no longer enjoy his company.With time, you find yourself taking a “side” opposite your spouse. 
This damages the very foundation of your marriage. When “We” turns into “me” is a definite reason to seek marriage therapy immediately.

3.   The Wrong “Fighting Style”

Seven long term studies have found that that the way that a couple handles conflicts can predict if they will end up divorcing. The studies included people from all ranges on the marriage spectrum, from newlyweds to long-term marriages.
While fighting is normal in any relationship, and even essential (because no two people will ever agree about everything), your “fighting” style can predict if the marriage can survive the conflicts or not. 
These are the signs that your conflict resolution process requires urgent help:
  1. When conflict emerges, you wait until things build up and than explode. You or your partner talks down to you and criticise you harshly. One or both of you are simply mean to each other.
  2. You or your spouse do not express yourself directly, but beat around the bush hoping the other side will “get it”and you constantly bring up past hurts.
  3. A simple disagreement is always escalated and getting out of control.
4.   Relationship Stagnation

Are you one of many couples out there who, every night, sit across the dinner table from one another (if you still have dinner together) and wonder “who is this person I am living with? Why did I marry him?
When a marriage falls into stagnation, it’s because somewhere along the line one or both of you stopped taking care  of it. Nothing is really “wrong” with our marriage; it’s just boring and stuck. You have to work to pay the bills, maybe you have kids to take care of, and/or sick, elderly parents who require your care and attention. You don’t have time to spend with your spouse.
If your relationship doesn’t continue to grow, it’s wallowing. This is a dangerous seed that needs to be attended to. Marriage stagnation is why a marriage breaks down. You care about everything else but the marriage and it will be sacrificed as a result

5.   Little to No Sex Life

The breakdown of your sex life is one of the most recognised signs of a failing marriage. Sexual intimacy is critical for the bond between a husband and a wife.
To put is simply, a marriage without sex will, at some point, end up in divorce or being a marriage of convenience. The next step is usually an emotional and/or physical affair.

6.   The Bad Overweighs the Good

Most of us are able to look deep inside and answer this question truthfully: Is there more bad than good in our marriage?
If the answer is yes, your marriage is in trouble and you need marriage counseling of some sort. The cancer will grow and eat up your marriage until it’s over, if you don’t act and do something right now.



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  1. My passion for love and life has made me to take to the internet to
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    child. Although my wife and i loved each other very much as it were.We kept on
    hoping and for 6years there weren't any sign of breakthrough .As days
    goes by,i will always weep because at that time i was really down.
    Even though my wife tried to always be by my side,only time would
    tell as we couldn't cope with pressure coming from friends and she had to leave
    me for another man. I was now left to face my problem alone even
    though my mom would always talk to me and console me on phone. Things
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    mom and together we kept on looking for solution still to no avail.
    There came a faithful day when i met my high school mate who knew i
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    wife and had to ask why i flew back to Jamaica. I explained my
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    she led me to DR JAMIN ABAYOMI. Although i was doubtful but soon as i
    explained my problem to him,he laughed and gave me a maximum of
    72hours for my wife to come back and for she go give birth. I
    did all i was asked to do which included me traveling back to Texas
    city United state. I traveled back to Texas city united state,on my
    arrival during the early hours of the morning,my phone rang and guess
    who?it was my wife who called asking for my forgiveness and saying
    she was coming back home. She came few hours later and on her knees she
    pleaded for forgiveness. Although it was a tough decision for me to
    make because of all the pains i have been through. I love her and
    needed her back so i had no option but to forgive her. We sat together
    and while she was resting her head on my chest we had romantic
    conversation and talked about things that we have never spoken about
    and like husband and wife the urge came to have sex and we had sex for
    a very long time that day. The next day which was still within the
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    surprise,she was pregnant. How possible could this be but it happened
    and am very thankful also my skin color that made me racially abused
    was changed to the preferred and now we are now happily married again
    and no racially discrimination. All thanks to DR JAMIN ABAYOMI for his
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  2. my name is Amanda Sharif My Ex-husband dumped me for a new woman 3 years after our marriage. And i was totally devastated and cried all day and night for aid. My Love life completely turned out to be a mess, because i couldn't just carry on with it anymore.. I was at the point of doing whatever thing that will save my Marriage and make him mine again, because i knew he was my soul mate and i fell deeply in love with him. We were both head over heels and over the moon for one another, and his feelings for me was so strong and he promised me love eternal. Life and pressure got in the way about two weeks before my birthday, And was pressured by his Mother to divorce me, and forced me to sign the divorce papers after seeing the attorney.. For weeks after our divorce he still remained in contacts with me, and after some times he no longer (calls nor texts) anymore. So i had no other choice than to cry out for help to Dr aluda the spell caster i found online, and to my best of luck, he was right presently here in united states.. so he did cast a spell for me and he assured me positive result after 48 hours.. For the first time in 14 months my ex husband did called me for apologies, and he felt so sorry and remorseful for ever leaving me, and he told me how much he love and miss me. And his spells made me so unique in the Sight of my husband, and did open his eyes and made him remember why and how we fell in love in the first place..Thank you for your help! From the depth of my heart of hearts I know we are meant to be. your spells truly helped me and brought joy to my life once again. Email aludaspelltemple@gmail.com from Usa


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