How Do You Handle a Cheating Boyfriend? Wait till You Hear THIS Advice!

Well, some people would advise you to cut off all ties with the cheater and move forward. Some would suggest you seek revenge and justify your actions because you must make the cheater pay for his sins and his hurtful actions (“eye for an eye” mentality).
The real truth here is that anyone who experiences being cheated upon has to find their own positive and healthy road to healing. What works for you may not have worked for my friend.  As she cried to me desperately seeking solace, here is my wisdom I shared  to help her move past this life event and heal:
First, know you will survive; God only gives you that which you can handle.
Next, mourn the death of your relationship (you believed you had). It is so important to FEEL the pain and anger as extreme as it can be. Cry, scream, pout, reflect. Your mind needs to process these emotions. It will take time, and eventually, your heart will catch up. Most importantly, love YOURSELF.
Seek help and support from your friends and family; those who love you will give you their shoulder to cry upon, their empathy, and their candid, heartfelt advice.
Speak to a professional counselor or trusted religious/spiritual advisor to try to understand yourself better. Going forward, decide how/what you will learn from this experience.
Understand that God or the universe always has a much bigger picture in mind. When you are “in the emotion” of the situation, you are often wearing blinders to the beautiful possibilities ahead of you.
Have compassion and love for the cheater. Yep, this sounds nearly impossible to do, but it actually will help YOU heal faster. The cheater must be feeling some deep inner pain to cause you so much pain. Everyone has a dark side or “shadow”. Understanding his/her reasons for cheating can be helpful but what is more important, is that YOU find ways to heal YOURSELF and move through this situation. Eventually it will be forgiveness which will truly set you free to heal.
Let go of the “Ggrrr!” (a.k.a. guilt, guilt, regret, regret regret). Don’t get caught in the mental loop of “why me?”-–It won’t serve you here; both guilt and regret keep you locked in the past. You need to move forward. Admittedly, you were dealt a poor hand. It’s time to reshuffle the deck and play another round in life’s card game.
As you move through the pain and anger with positive intentions, you will begin to develop emotional resilience. This quality is key to living a happy, long life. The more resilient you become to life’s storms hurricanes, and tsunamis, the better your chances to sustain strong immunity and protect yourself from disease. Your body is listening to every emotional message you send it. Move forward to positivity.


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