36 Questions We Ask Our Architects (Elders) And You Should Ask Yourself
Please give a short paragraph answer as well as a longer more in depth answer of each of the following. Answers should be given both pastorally and theologically. Be able to defend and explain YOUR position from Scripture . Be able to explain the weakness of your position as well as articulate the best arguments against each of your beliefs.
- Divorce and Remarriage. Is there an allowable basis, and if so what is it? Can a person who divorced be remarried?
- The Gifts. Are they all still being used?
- What is the purpose/calling of an Elder?
- End times. What is the rapture? What is the millennium kingdom? How do the church and Israel play out during these events?
- Women in the Church. What role should/can they play? Should/can they teach, and if so is there any restriction? Can they be an Elder/overseer?
- What is the difference between Dispensational and Covenant Theology?
- What is the purpose of the Church? When did it begin? How do you measure its success?
- How do I /can I know God’s will? What is God’s will for our lives?
- Calvinism/Arminianism. Historical background. What is predestination & election, and why do they matter?
- Share the gospel: Lead me to Christ (Romans Road, Bridge Illustration, etc.).
- Is Contemporary Worship, even if Anthropocentric, okay?
- Do I have a guardian angel? Can I be one?
- Is it okay for Christians to date a non-Christians?
- What is the purpose of missions?
- Do babies who die go to heaven?
- How do you know the bible is God’s word…why is it different than other books that claim to be divine?
- Explain the hypostatic union.
- Do Christians need to obey the Old Testament Law?
- What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? How do you live the spiritual life?
- Aren’t all religions basically the same? What makes Christianity different? What is YOUR basic understanding of Muslim, Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witness, New Age Movement, and Unitarianism?
- Be able to discuss the philosophies of the day (post-modernism, fatalism, nihilism, naturalism, relativism, etc.)
- Why do trials occur and suffering happen? What is purpose of James 5?
- What is God’s position on homosexuality? Are people born this way? How do you answer those who believe that redefining marriage to include same-gender couples (or any other redefinition of marriage)?
- Why does doctrinal COMPETENCY matter?
- What is a seeker church? Are we one? Is that good or bad?
- Is it okay for believers to drink? What does the bible say about areas of conscience?
- Is tithing biblical? What is different between Old and New Testament giving?
- Is debt biblically allowable? Should Christians have debt? Are there different types of debt?
- Should we ever recommend a licensed counselor? What does it mean to counsel biblically?
- What is community?
- What is accountability? Are there any areas that are off-limits within an accountability relationship?
- Should we be a place that is “confidential” or “safe”? What is the difference?
- Baptism: Who is it for? Should people baptized as infants be baptized again?
- Differentiate between creation, evolution and theories of Genesis 1.
- Is it okay for believers to use contraception? Artificially inseminate? Freeze embryos?
- Read the Manhattan Declaration. Should believers sign this document? Why or why not?
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